Software Design and Implementation
Lab Reports
Labs are designed to require more synthesis of the programming concepts than typical assignments. For this reason, they are more complicated, so are given more credit.For each Lab, create a one-page (or so) write-up in a Microsoft Word document named yourusername(s)-L#.docx that includes the following sections:
- INITIAL DESIGN PLAN: Design a pseudocode design plan which meets the computational requirements.
- SUMMARY: A brief summary description of the design and implementation, including how much your initial design plan evolved, the final result you achieved and the amount of time you spent as a programmer in accomplishing these results. This should be no more than two paragraphs.
- IMPLEMENTATIONS: A list in bullet
form of specifically what was accomplished including any challenges
overcome and innovations that were not specifically required by the
- TESTING: A list in bulleted form of
all input values used for testing. Here you should be careful to
select representative input cases, including both representative
typical cases as well as extreme cases.
- FILES: A list in bulleted form of the names of all files submitted (source code and input, etc.)
- ERRORS: A list in bulleted form of all known errors and deficiencies.
- COMMENTS: A paragraph or so of your own comments on and reactions to the Lab.