
CSC 126

Create robot


Introduction to Robotics

Robot Components and Software Design


Although this assignment must be completed individually, you may consult with one another.
Before next time, do the following:

 Create a new Microsoft Word or text document named YourUserName-A5. 

In your Word document, you will answer the following questions.  I  recommend that you read the questions before reading so you know what to look for.  Be sure to answer each question fully in complete sentences.

  1. In a paragraph, briefly summarize what happened in this installment in the Case of the Killer Robot.
  2. One current approach to software development, called user-centered design, incorporates user concerns and user testing from the beginning of the design process.  Paper prototyping is one example of user-centered design.  This approach dictates that the needs of the user should be foremost in all design decisions. Identify one piece of software which you have found confusing or difficult to use. In 2-3 paragraphs, reflect on what you find confusing or difficult and how the "usability" of this software might have been different if a user-centered approach had been employed.
  3. In this installment of the Case of the Killer Robot, we learned about the "waterfall model" vs the "prototyping model" controversy in the Robbie CX30 design process. If the software developer had been working closely with the robot operator from the beginning (i.e. working in a "user-centered" approach,) how do you think the story might have turned out differently? Or, perhaps you think it would not have mattered? In your own words of a paragraph or more, explore this "what if," being sure to defend your answer.
When you are finished, save the file as YourUserName-A5 and submit the file to the appropriate location in Moodle.

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