CSC 226

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Software Design and Implementation

T16: Review of Exam Material

Assignment T16 should be completed in a team, generally three or four students.

Review in a team for Exam E2


  • Reflect on your own learning
  • Review course content which will be tested on exam E2
  • Gain practice in identifying key concepts from the course materials
  • Gain practice in working in a larger team
This assignment is to be completed in class in teams.

Learning and Bloom's Taxonomy

According to your text, "the single most important skill for a computer scientist is problem solving. Problem solving means the ability to formulate problems, think creatively about solutions, and express a solution clearly and accurately." This is an important statement to think about as you reflect on your own learning process in this assignment.

Research indicates that most people learn more deeply when they are actively engaged in the construction of their own knowledge.  A primary goal in this assignment is to help you to learn to construct your own review while getting you actively involved in the learning process rather than just passively listening to us.  Ideally, we want to help you to learn to focus on what is important as you discuss the course content in your team.

Created by Benjamin Bloom, the following taxonomy is often  used to categorize the levels of learning:
  1. knowledge: e.g. recalling or repeating memorized information
  2. comprehension: e.g. identifying concepts, paraphrasing, explaining concepts in jargon-free terms
  3. application: e.g. applying course concepts to solve straightforward problems
  4. analysis: e.g. solving more complex problems, debugging, translating algorithm into code
  5. synthesis: e.g. applying concepts to the design of an algorithmic solution to a problem
  6. evaluation: e.g. choosing from among alternative solutions and justifying the choice
This taxonomy is listed in increasing order of depth of learning.  Levels 1–3 are commonly known as lower-level skills and Levels 4–6 are higher-level skills. For example, being able to understand and use terminology is essential to being able to communicate ideas in a way which can be understood, but knowing what terms mean is not the only or even the most important part of what we are guiding you to learn in this class.  Hence, a fill-in the blank style question which tests recall of a term from the reading is certainly appropriate, but it it is at the lowest level on Bloom's taxonomy, namely the knowledge level.

A good examination is neither all low-level nor all high-level, but instead assesses a broad mix of skills.Your team will be assigned multiple topics, and you will be asked to develop sets of questions which attempt to test different levels of learning and question types for each topic. 


Assignment T16

Team heggens-pearcej
submitting file heggens-pearcej-T16.docx
  • Jan Pearce, Scribe
  • Scott Heggen, Co-creator
Topic:  Chapter 3 of How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

Example of knowledge level question: 

  1. Fill in the following blank with the terminology from the reading:

    A basic building block of many programs is to be able to repeat some code, over and over again. The type of structure which repeats its "body" is called a/an _____________________.

Examples of comprehension level questions:

  1. Given the following code, fill in the following blank with the terminology from the reading:

    import turtle
    wn = turtle.Screen()
    alex = turtle.Turtle()
    tess = turtle.Turtle()


    Python is an object-oriented programming language, and in chapter 3, our text began to introduce ideas from object-oriented programming (OOP).  An object is just a class or a compound data type, frequently used to model a thing or a concept from the real world, such as a turtle or a screen and an attribute is characteristic data about the object such as the orientation or the color.

    Give an example of an instance of the Turtle object from the above code: ______________________

    Give an example of a method of a Turtle object from the above code: ______________________
  1. Given the following code, fill in the following comment blanks with brief answers:

    import turtle        # This line's purpose is ______________________________________
    wn = turtle.Screen()
    alex = turtle.Turtle() # This line's purpose is ____________________________________

    # The next three lines will draw a/an ______________________________________________
    for i in [0,1,2,3]:
Example of an application level question:
  1. Circle the letter of the best answer of what the output will be when the following code is run:

  2. for i in range(4):

    a. b. c. d. e. SyntaxError   f. none of these       
    0 1 0123 1234 invalid syntax(, line #)        1 2 2 3
    3 4

...Then your team will move on to the next topic...

Create a new Microsoft Word or text document named yourusername(s)-T16.docx.
  1. At the top of your document, place the following and the names of your team members, including who is serving as scribe:
    • Assignment T16
    • Team Member #1 (Scribe) NamE2
    • Team Member #2: Name2
    • Team Member #3: Name3
    • Team Member #4: Name4
  2. Each team has been assigned four topics, including one topic which identifies the biggest ideas in the second half of the course. For each assigned topic, focusing on the big ideas from the topic, create 2 or more questions per topic and do the following create 2 or more questions per topic and do the following:
    • List  each question topic.  (e.g. Chapter 3 in the example above.)
    • Cover at at least 2 different levels on the Bloom's taxonomy, namely knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation.
    • Use at least 2 different types of assessment (multiple choice, fill-in the blank, short answer, etc.)
    • Be sure that you do not provide answers to any of the questions you create!
    • Note that your total submission must have at least 8 questions covering a total of at least 3 different levels on Bloom's and with a total of at least 3 different question types.
When you are finished with all assigned topics, do BOTH of the following:
  1. Save the file as  yourusername(s)-T16 and submit the file to the appropriate location in Moodle.  If you are not the scribe, simply submit the names of your other teammate(s).
  2. Paste the UNANSWERED questions into the appropriate area of your section-appropriate area of the following:
    Section A:
    Section B:
    These will be our review sheets accessible to both classes.
Note that because the set of all questions generated by the class will be provided as a review immediately, this assignment will not be accepted late. | Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License

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